Saturday, March 20, 2010

The UFO Question

Are they for really and if so, do they have ray guns?
(Thanks to Woody Allen).

My mom, at 72 years of age, has become a real UFO enthusiast.  While many women her age are sitting home knitting or reading romance novels or maybe baking a pie, my mom is at UFO conferences.

This is a fairly new thing for her.  Typically, she has spent her inner life pursuing spiritual enlightenment.  A couple of years ago, she became hooked on 2012 and all of its implications.  Now, she is a video camera shy of being a UFO hunter.

She is visiting me this weekend and showed me a DVD made from a conference she attended in Nevada earlier this year.  This one guy has a spectacularly detailed 10-year history of abductions and other types of encounters.  A documentary is currently being made to, well, document his experience.

One thing I noticed is that many of the things he experienced and attributes to ET's may otherwise be attributed to ghosts or something of that sort.  This brings up an interesting question in my mind.

Are there UFO's and no ghosts? Or are there ghosts and no UFO's. Or are there both (or neither).

Arther C. Clarke said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

When the Aliens come and strange, inexplicable things happen, can it be that we attribute their actions to the supernatural?  When a chair moves and no one touched it, does that mean a ghost was involved or was it an alien.

I think this is an interesting question; one I suspect the answer is not the one I would most prefer.

I want there to be ghosts.  I want there to be spiritualists that talk with the afterlife.  This means that there is something next - death is not the end.

If the real answer is that My Favorite Maritain is whispering into the ear of the spiritualist, then it is all a hoax.  I won't be coming back after all because the little green men were just having fun with me.

Mom is convinced that the answers will be forthcoming soon.  When the truth is finally known, I hope I won't be disappointed.

Live Long and Prosper.
