I feel the same way, sort of.
I'm not afraid of bears, any more than I'm afraid of spiders...which I really am afraid of so maybe I am afraid of bears; but I digress. No, I am afraid of Panda Bears. More specifically, I am afraid of people that live near panda bears. More specifically yet, I fear the Chinese.
Sort of. My fear of the Chinese is a lot like my fear of the unknown. We are all afraid of what's around that dark corner because it's an "unknown." It might be a boogie man or maybe even a big spider; but so long as it's an unknown, we default to FEAR.
I won't be afraid of China for much longer though. The reason for this is that pretty soon, we are all going to stand up and point at the land of Pandas and say, "The Emperor has no clothes."
That's right. We will soon enough see that the conspiracy theorists finally got one right. China is run by bad people.
Here is my evidence:
- North Korea has a Gross Domestic Product of about a dollar and eight-cents. Yet, they threaten the free world with nuclear death constantly. I doubt that they can pull that off, but I'm certain that they can bomb an island. In fact, nearly 50% of the shells they fired at an island yesterday actually hit the island. North Korea is run by a mad-man and controlled, completely - By the Chinese.
- Yesterday, a woman confessed to selling faulty Chinese micro-chips to the United States. They were counterfeited in China. I don't know if you have ever been to a FAB where they make micro-chips, but I have. They are huge and expensive and if one is making counterfeit chips to sell to the United States, you can bet the Chinese government knows about it.
- Ericsson is a telecommunication company based in Stockholm. Hericsson is the Chinese rip off of that same company. They are trying to profit from having a name sound like a reputable company. Go to their website and you will find all of the world's smart phones there. They are made by Hericsson supposedly. In reality, they are cheap copies of the most popular phones in the world. China didn't invent them. They copied them on the outside and stuffed the insides with cheap components.
- I bought a dental pick yesterday. I wanted a good one but it cost $75 and there was a much cheaper one right next to it for only $25. One was a brand name. One came from China. I bought the cheap one thinking, "How bad could it be?" Well, I cleaned about three teeth before it stopped working. Made in China.
- Don't even get me started about lead in toys.
- I can't even imagine complaining about the mayor of Bakersfield and then finding myself in jail. That's what happens in China.
China is definitely taking a much bigger role on the world's stage. This is actually their biggest problem. They are no longer a land of mystery. They are cheap, ruthless, deceitful and controlling on all levels.
Soon, we will no longer be able to pretend that they are otherwise.
Then, the world will be saved.
You're welcome.
Up, up and away...