Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Power of Now

The title of this post is the same as the title of a popular book.  I haven't read the book but that's okay.  I am not trying to promote the book.  I am, instead, just talking off the top of my head (as always).

Mark Twain (I think it was him) said, "I have lived through some terrible things in my life - and some of them actually happened.

To me, this is a lesson about not worrying about the future.

Some of you will say, "I have to worry!  I need to make money to pay my bills!"

Right you are.  I am not saying to ignore the future.  I am saying, don't worry about things that you have no control over.  I am also saying, don't worry about a few negative outcomes that are floating in an infinite sea of possible outcomes.

Think about the last time you worried about something.  Did worrying help?  Or did it just make you suffer needlessly.  Action is helpful, worry does nothing but destroy your present moment.  It destroys your Now.

The same goes for your past.  What is done is done.  The past is now part of you and, in its entirety, there is nothing you can do to change it.  So why worry about it?  Why let the past destroy your Now?

If you take a look at what is going on with you right now, at this very moment, you will probably find that you are doing okay.  Try to be mindful of those things that you are participating in right now.  Is the sun out?  Is it raining and you are warm inside?  Are you hungry but have food in the refrigerator? Do you have friends or access to friends if you want to.

This concept is hard for some to grasp.  They might say, "right this moment, I am worried about paying my taxes."  A true statement, perhaps, but not a situation that is irrevocably true.  We are all free to change our perspective at any time.  All it takes is the will to do so.

There are those that are hungry and cold and in pain at this very moment.  To live in the Now is to experience that which they don't want to experience.  My tool for this is the mantra, "This too shall pass."

I can look back at times I worried about money and I see time wasted; moments lost forever.  And nothing changed because I worried.  Time passed and conditions changed and the only tangible result that I live with is the fact that I spend part of my life worrying.

Remember, Not Worrying and Inaction are not the same thing.

Right now, I am home with my kids and dog.  We are all going for a hike soon but for now, we are sitting in front of the television and talking about this and that.

Life's good!

It's good because that is how I am choosing to see it.

Be sure to stop by and drop off your lists.