Saturday, May 14, 2011


This just in, now people from 58 different countries have read my blog - thereby making us all just a little bit wiser and safer.  (Readers get first dibs when I'm called on to do some saving.)

Speaking of 2012...

The "best guessers" say it will not be the end of the world, but things will be different.  They also said, beginning several years ago, that there would be turmoil in several Middle East countries at the same time (check).  They said there would be global catastrophies (Haiti, Japan, probably Haiti again) (check).  There would be an economic collapse (check). There would be a second economic collapse (uh oh.)

So, these are some pretty good guesses or maybe there is something going on that I simply can't bring myself to believe in.

Here are two sites that you should stay away from if you are addicted to the internet: is a site where you pick an interest and then hit the "stumble" button.  It takes you to some really cool places.

And Eamon recommended to me just before we played the worst round of golf in history.  This is a site where people can post interesting links to sites they've read.  It could be a news article or a video.  It's pretty cool.


There is no speed limit on the autobahn.  However, they have three laws that make this a very safe road.  First, no gestures that may antagonize another driver.  Secondly, no tailgating.  Third, no passing on the right.  If you think about these, they are all you really need on any highway.  Yesterday I got passed on the right by a guy doing about 90 mph.  It's as if he thinks "They can't give me a ticket if I'm in the slow lane."  My theory is just the opposite.  If I want to go fast, I hang out with the fast cars so I can blend in.

The word "assesses" has a very high concentration of "s".  I'm just saying.

The GOP wants to drill and Obama is supporting it.  He is saying, "I don't think it will help much but we have to try everything."  I like this simply because he's not saying no to everything that didn't originate in his own party.  They could all learn a little from that.

There are those that say we should keep the oil from every country we conquer.  Too hard.  I say we simply annex Canada.  They have enough oil sands to last for centuries.  They may not like it.  Imagine that, not like being overrun by the county immediately to the south.  I've seen the border.  In some places its a ditch you can step over.

I saw Al-Qaeda blew themselves, and 80 Pakastani's up to protest the killing of Osama.  I'm not sure there are a lot of American's saying, "Gee, if we knew they were going to blow themselves up, we never would have done that."

The more I think about surgical strikes inside a country with terrorist, without asking permission, the more I like it.  I am getting some sort of weird enjoyment watching Pakistan stomp around all indignant and stuff.  For years, we've sent our kids over there to be used as target practice.  It's time they had the feeling that, at any moment, their world could change.  I'm tired of prolonged wars, finger wagging and economic sanctions.  Piss a few people off, kill the baddies and get on with life.

That last line alone is going to sink my presidential aspirations.

I normally don't blog on the weekends but I missed yesterday due to a mandatory day of terrible golf played with great friends.  I love the game because I love the people I play with.  Hitting the ball out of bounds is just something I do during pauses in the conversation.

I have a book of quotes so I think I will include one from time to time.  Here is today's quote (picked at random):

"You should listen to your heart, and not the voices in your head." Marge Simpson.

Now, it's Saturday so get out there absolutely nothing important.

I will take care of the world saving.

Up, up and away...


By the way, to those of you that clicked on ads...There were over 100 views, 5 clicks and about $6 in revenue.  To those of you that clicked...thanks.