Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Live from SFO

Today is a travel day.

A quick trip to Kansas City and back tomorrow.  Then lot's of travel after that.

I don't mind traveling, but I've been home for a couple of weeks and I get used to it.

Safety Tip of the Day:  Don't go to I-Hop when you are starving.  I ate 6 blueberry pancakes with blueberries on top and blueberry syrup on the side.  Bliss and about 10,000 calories.

As I was leaving I-hop, I saw that they give seniors free meals after 3 pm - buy one get one free.  I thought how nice it would be for someone to take their old grandpa out for some pancakes.  I then made the mistake of asking how old do you need to be to qualify as a senior citizen.  Turns out to be 55.  This was devastating. I am about 20 months away from qualifying.  How did I get to be this old?  From the inside looking out, I'm still 12.

Joplin, Mo took a big hit and the stories are gripping.  People wonder how I live in California with the constant threat of the ground opening up and swallowing you whole.  I tell them, "First of all, that almost never happens."  I wonder how people can live in places where the sky can reach down in an instant and swat an entire city flat.

I saw a reporter that arrived on the scene just after it happened.  He was so stunned he couldn't talk.

The GOP plan to rework Medicare has 80% of the American people against it.  Paul Ryan, the GOP budget guy said the following: "We are leaders and we need to do what we think is right, not what the public wants."  He then took a breath and said, "We will work to change the polls because that is what the public wants."

I am paraphrasing here but you get the gist.  It's a big GOP tagline to say, "The American people want us to do this and that."  If they say that, then it must be true, right?

I see Pawlenty has entered the presidential race for the GOP.  I've heard good things about him but will have to do some research.  I think the GOP should probably just send up a sacrificial candidate.  Obama is set to beat anyone in a landslide.  After a smack-down, it will be hard to be credible the next time you run (2016).

I saw the following LMAOSHMSFOAIDMT as a short-hand for texting.  It's for when something is really, really funny.  It means I laughed my ass off so hard my sombrero fell of and I dropped my taco.

Interesting statistic: You are 25% more likely to die from a gunshot wound in Washington D.C. than in battle in either Iraq or Afghanistan.  Word is we will be pulling out of D.C. sometime later next year after a peaceful handover to local gang leaders.

Speaking of gangs.  At the first Giants/Dodgers game this year, a Giant's fan was beaten into a coma where he remains to this day.  His offense -wearing a Giants shirt.  This took place at Dodger stadium.  Last week, they finally made an arrest.  The accused is a known gang member that was turned in by his parole officer.  The accused mom is pleading that they got the wrong guy because, "My son would never do that."


Windows 8 is coming out in 2012.  I'm hopeful but not optimistic.  Every third iteration of Microsoft's Operating Systems is a keeper.  However, Windows 8 is supposed to let you talk to your computer and say things like, "Set up my travel plans for a trip to Kansas City."  It's also suppose to recognize your hand signals like the Wii.

Quote for the day:

“Great is the man who does not lose his child mind.” Meng-Tes (372 B.C. – 289 B.C.)

I have to catch a plane...there is world saving afoot and I need to get to it.

Up, up and away...
