Monday, April 19, 2010

Viva La Difference!

Okay, I think it is time for a short note before my main blog.

Apparently, not everyone agrees with everything I have to say.


Actually, I am just kidding.  Not about the disagreeing part; but I am far from disappointed.

I welcome the differences in all of us and encourage your to offer your perspective in the comment section of my blog.

I use this blog to just "put it out there."  I know my ideas may not match yours.  I know I am as likely to be wrong as right.  That's the fun of it all.

In my job, I often am asked to offer an opinion (which I have bags full of).  Sometimes, what I think needs to be done is clear; other times, I am less sure.  One thing I always do it take the minority view if no one else is already in that seat.  If everyone is nodding and back-slapping, I will disagree, even if I don't really disagree.  There is a reason for this.

The minority position has value.  Just because most people agree, does not mean they are right.  More often than not, taking the opposing view does not change minds, but it can offer an appreciation for what the world looks like to someone wearing a different pair of shoes.

I am often asked, "What piece of advice would you give us if you could only say one thing?"

My answer is always, "Walk in the shoes of those whose lives you intend to impact before you do a thing."

So, Viva La Difference!

Agree, disagree or change your mind.  It's all good to me.      Leave a list.  Read a list.  Be happy.
