Monday, June 6, 2011

North Korea - Laugh Factory...

This just in: The happiest people in the world live in China.  They are followed by people living in North Korea and then by those living in Cuba.  Last on the list - those living in the United States.  These findings come from a comprehensive survey conducted by...North Korea.
Here is a picture of every happy person in Korea.
On an unrelated issue, 25% of the people in North Korea are living at a starvation level.  A drought in China along with sanctions for attacking South Korea have left the "very happy" people of North Korea surviving by eating grass and tree bark.  Can you say, "Eastern Spring?"
For those of you keeping track of the approach of 2012; a volcano just erupted in Chile.  I'm just saying.
John Edwards is an example of the quality of people who rise to our highest offices.  This guy cheated on his dying wife and used (allegedly) campaign funds to keep his now pregnant mistress quiet.  He needs to go directly to jail.  He plans on fighting this.  At first, he was negotiating an out-of-court settlement.  Once he heard any settlement would have jail time, he said, "Wait, I just remembered.  I didn't do it."  This is legal talk for "I did it and we all know it but I don't think you can prove it."
My son has AT&T for his i-pad.  Turns out, his 1-year subscription expired after 3 months.  He then bought a 1-month service and it expired after 30 minutes.  This sounds EXACTLY like the AT&T I have come to know and loathe.
The worst product I ever bought: An electric pencil sharpener that broke half way through the first pencil.  You?
Kevorkian is gone.  Dr. Death died just when we need him most.  Who am I going to turn to when my Medicare voucher in 2023 is worth only $1.25 in 2012 dollars.
Jobs is a problem for Obama.  If I were to be convinced someone else had the answer, I would turn to them.  I know who doesn't have the answer.  The GOP tax cuts have been extended for 6 months now.  So, where are the jobs they promised?  All we really have to show for the tax breaks are (1) a few millionaires with one more vacation home than they had 6 months ago, (2) a growing national debt that is killing our economy, (3) fattened political coffers for those, (the GOP) that got them the money and (4) a GOP budget that calls for lowering the tax rate another 10%.
I saw a study that said college, as far as education is concerned, may not be worth the money.  The gains in knowledge are apparently minimal.  However, companies still prefer college graduates for the same reason they prefer Eagle Scouts.  They set out to do it and they did it.  I agree with all of this.  I learned a lot in college but I almost never work with differential equations (okay, maybe during tax time).  For me, college was about learning to learn.
I don't know about you, but I am not willing to trust "the cloud" to everything.  I understand not having to carry all of my stuff with me. I can keep it on the cloud.  I like to hike at a place about a mile from my house.  There is no cell service there.  I'm not sure why.  It's not like I'm in a cave or a gully. I can't get internet service, I'm out of business.  The cloud is a great idea whose time will have come, we 100% of the U.S. has internet coverage.
I've been sort of toying with this idea of a guest blogger.  No takers just yet.  I think it would be cool if a reader out there had a young child that wrote a poem or a theme for school that could be published here.
Quote for the day: "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to try to prove the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right." H.L. Menchen, 1956
I'm still in Budapest saving the day and such.  Hope you all had a great weekend.
Up, up and away...
Thanks for the clicks