Thursday, October 21, 2010

I wouldn't vote for me

I have been silent lately.  There are two reasons for this.  First of all, I was on vacation, during which I attended my college reunion (Go Navy!).  Secondly, no one in the political world is behaving the way I want them to.  This means that I can either attack all of them or I'll just hang my head and cry.

I am going to go with the crying option.

I see this woman, Christine O'Donnell during a debate and think, "Really?  This is the best we can do?"  I think I could find a better candidate at a Hooters.  She doesn't know the first thing about the constitution.  She thinks the earth is 6,000 years old, created during God's "Busy Week."  She thinks that masturbation will send you to hell and the fable of Adam and Eve should be taught in school.  She thinks her best selling point is "I am just like you."  I'll tell you right now that I would make a terrible politician.  If her slogan is accurate, then she is off my list of Cute Girls I Want to See In Office.

Both sides have gone so negative that they should have to post viewer warnings before the ad airs.

Here are my guidelines for voting:

1. If you are in office now, I will vote you out.
2. If you go negative, I will vote against you.
3. I will not vote for someone that is trying to "buy" the office.
4. If you tell me to vote for you because you go to church, I will vote the other way.
5. If you stay above the fray and tell me about yourself, I will listen and be inclined to support you.
6. Party affiliation does not matter.
7. I need to trust you to do what YOU think is right.
8. If Fox news supports you, I will not.
9.  I will not vote for someone that is clearly insane.

Right now, the most interesting candidate is the guy running on the platform of "The Rent is Too Damn High."  This guy is great.  I would not vote for him due to rule number 9 above.

I noticed the military was going to allow gays to openly enlist.  I immediately felt relief.  It's like we finally grew up.  I understand that this has since been changed.  Apparently, Obama wants congress, not the courts, to change this rule.  He is probably right.

On the subject of Gays - the cub scouts booted out a gay dad.  I understand that the cub scouts are a "club" and within their rights to do this.  However, it seems bigoted to me. This is like kids on the playground not letting one of the children play because he is Jewish or too tall or left handed.  My son was in scouts for a while.  It turned out to be an organization dedicated to selling popcorn and cookies outside of the local grocery stores.  That's not the way I remembered it.  He would ask me when they would do something fun.  I kept saying, "soon."  Eventually, I gave up and let him drop out.  In 2 years, they had one overnight camping trip and hundreds of hours of cookies selling.

Debe posted a picture of a pig we once had years ago.  Her name was Sweet Pea.  This pig was smart.  I used to try and come up with ways to keep the dog food out of her reach.  I would hammer away at some contraption in the garage.  All the while, she would sit there next to me watching.  Almost as soon as I said, "There, she will never figure out this one," she would be into the food.  Once she actually pushed stuff over to make a stairway up to where the food was.  She could have passed college entrance exams if she knew there would be food involved.

I am in Cleveland today.  I haven't had a weekday at home since October 7th.  I will get home by noon tomorrow so that counts as a partial day.  Next week, I'm off to Chicago for a week.  There is some work there for me to do.

Also, I have a world to save and that seems like a good place to start.

Up, up and away...
