Friday, October 3, 2008


3 October 2008

I am ready for my fifteen minutes of fame. I want to stand up in front of the world and tell them what an idiot Pelosi is. I want the world to know that I know that Palin is a Popularity Puppet (with a great smile). I want to hold up the names of those that added the pork to the bailout. I want to ask why TV host Jim Cramer told us about his a year ago ( and still we are surprised. I want to point out every lie and misleading statement made by each candidate. I want to point out the financial gains the congressmen have made over the years by allowing this to happen. I want to kick GW Bush right in the crotch for doing to much to bring down our country. I want to ask why we are subsidizing wooden arrows and why is that needed to pass a bill that has virtually no danger in it. I want to ask Warren Buffet to stand up and tell us all why he actually wants to invest in the bailout ...because its not a bailout, we will profit from this. I want to urge everyone to vote out the incumbent. Get ride of all of them. I want to ask why a politician thinks pork is a good thing simply because "that is the way things work." I want to know who is going to buy me a house after the Pelosi crowd uses my money to bail out homeowners, often just investors, who gambled and lost. I want to hang my head out the door and say "I am mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more."

1 comment:

  1. You should write some short stories and post them here. That would be cool.
