Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We Are Not Alone

My wife sent me a link today to a picture of a blobfish.  I will try to insert the picture at the end of this blog.  What strikes me is the variety of life that exists on just this one little planet.  Given the extremes of heat, oxygen, pressure and any other number of conditions, it is amazing that life seems to spring up everywhere.

Why just here?  Why only on Earth.

Maybe we are alone.  Maybe the bible is perfectly literal.

I doubt that, but I could be wrong.

I think the only reason we are not seeing life throughout the universe is a combination of distance and the speed of light.  We can only see a small speck of the greater universe.  There is a lot more out there but for now, we a like a monkey in a cage.  We can reach only so far through the bars.

We will figure out this light-speed thing and the universe will suddenly be at our doorstep.  When that happens, we will find that we are not alone.  There will be uncountable numbers there, all saying "Welcome to the party.  Its about time you got here."

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Death of an Airline

I was suppose to fly Lufthansa today; San Francisco to Frankfurt to Budapest.  I accidentally found out that Lufthansa was on strike.  I suppose they would have told me about that when  I got to the airport and found my flights had been canceled.  By that time, all of my alternative flights would have been sold out and I would have had to drive home and wait for another day.

United came to the rescue.  I called them once I heard rumor of the strike.  They verified my flights had been canceled and rebooked me on United.  I now have flight that get me there within 3 hours of my original itinerary.

Thanks to United for saving the day.

As for Lufthansa, thanks for nothing.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

GOP gone bad

As an ex-Republican, I feel I can say the party stands for little more than a bunch of ex-power brokers trying to make themselves look good by making others look bad.

They have no platform other than, "Let's try to get back into power."  They are characterized by the Glenn Becks, Shawn Hannities and Rush Limbaughs of the world.  They represent the worse in mankind.  They lie, they mislead and they insult me by expecting me to believe them.

John McCain is the worse.  He is an Annapolis graduate.  They taught us there that we should never lie, cheat or steal.  We called it the Honor Code.  Yes, I know he was a POW.  Yes I know he has served his country.  But, no where does it say that being noble buys you a reprieve from honor.

Obama is doing less than he wants but more than any other person could.  I like him.  I trust him.  Now if we can only get rid of Boxer and Pelosi, something will get done that this not "politics as usual."

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods - man
George W. Bush - man
The guy across the street - man

There is nothing special or unspecial about any of these men.  For that matter, we are all the same other than out visibility.  The idea that these men, or others like them, are extra bad or good is just an idea - not a real thing.

I watched W. for eight years, filled with frustration.  I saw Tigers well rehearsed apology.  Two men out of billions.  Today, I will find a way to look at the average man and give him the same level of attention that I gave each of these.  I suspect I will find something special.

Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction usually describes short stories that are less than 2,000 words in length.  I have two ebooks that have stories under 300 words in length.  I have titled them Nano Flash Fiction Volumes One and Two.  They can be found at or

Friday, February 19, 2010

My New Homepage

I have a new webpage:

I also have three ebooks that I have just published. They are collections of short stories. The can be found at Just search for James Dillingham. The titles are: Nano Flash Fiction, Volume One; Nano Flash Fiction, Volume two and Short Attention Span Fiction.

My writing portfolio is located at: http://hyperiongate.Writing.Com/