Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fire Them All

I saw a survey yesterday that said 59% of Americans believe we should not vote in any current congressman or senator.  Another survey, also yesterday, said only 17% of Americans believe that congress is going a good job.

I would have gone with the majority in both of these cases had anyone bothered to ask me.

This is not about health care.  As far as that issue goes, I am willing to try anything different, even if it turns out to be a bad idea.  We can always go back and fix it.  If we do nothing, then we aren't really even trying.

No, this is about the corruption and cowardice that characterizes our politicians. They take tons of money from lobbyists.  Why would a special interest, time and time again, give money to a congressman or senator if it didn't work?  They wouldn't!  They do this over and over again because it does work.  What does this really mean?  It means that if you have the money, your voice is louder.  Not one-person-one-vote.  It's really one-dollar-one-vote.

Ask your congressman or senator if they have ever taken money from a special interest group.  If the answer is yes, then they are corrupt.  Of course, they will tell you that the money was given with no strings attached and all of that but remember - If it didn't work, special interests wouldn't do it.

As for cowardice, they are often more like deer in your headlights than not.  They know action is needed and feel "I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't."  The result is inaction.

The GOP is stirring up the fear they need for the Democrats to feel the heat.  The GOP is in favor of doing nothing because it makes the other guys look bad.  This improves the GOP's chances next round of elections.  They want the power.  The Democrats have weak leadership.  Sure, Pelosi is a bully but that does not make her a strong leader.  So, we have Democrats that fear change because they may lose the seats that the GOP is after.

All of this can be solved if our elected officials understood that there would be consequences for poor performance.

I say, "Fire them all."  I know that not all of them deserve to be fired but a willingness to clean house will have a lasting effect beyond the next congress.  Fire the good with the bad.  Let them know we have had enough.  Let the new congress be clear on the fact that if they can't do their job, we will take it from them.

Firing them all will take a few years since not everyone is up for reelection at the same time.  That is actually a good thing.  Fire the full batch this time around and send the clear message to those that remain.  If there is no improvement in the next 2 years, fire another round.  In 6 years, they will all be gone and we will have elected representatives that serve us, not themselves.

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