Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Hypocrasy of the GOP

From the cheap seats, this is what the health care issue looks like to me.

Now: I buy my own health care and it is going up every year. It is expensive now and soon it will be out of reach. Why? Greedy insurance companies; greedy lawyers and the high price I am currently paying to subsidize those that get health care without paying for it. For example, does an aspirin at a hospital really cost $20. It does when most of that cost goes to pay for a waiting room full of uninsured patients.

Proposed: Everyone must have health care. The insurance companies and lawyers need to be reeled in and we will pay for it with higher taxes. In the interest of compromise and bowing to lobbyists, all of this is fairly watered down.

I understand that my taxes will go up. We are not going to provide all of this coverage for free. However, the slight increase to my taxes is dwarfed by the huge increase in my personal health care that currently rivals my mortgage payment.

The GOP says, "Let's start over." They act like they have a plan where this will be free. They were given a chance to show their plan. The televised thing a couple of weeks ago gave them the chance to pick and choose where the problems where. Instead, they dug in their heels and did nothing.

Senator Brown from MA is the perfect example. He voted in favor of a health care plan for his state that is remarkably similar to what is now being proposed in congress. Now that he is a member of the GOP, he has changed his mind. Why? Because if the current party in power does something substantial and good, then the GOP will lose power.

I one time had lunch with a union president. I told him what I wanted to do for the workforce. He agreed that it would make their lives much better but he would not support it. When I asked why, he said, "This is a management initiative. If it is good for the workforce, it will weaken my position as the union president." Now, I work with a lot of unions and this has only happened one time so I don't feel it represents anyone's stance other than this one individual's. However, it showed me what people will do to further their own agenda.

The handful of people that make up the GOP are trying to topple our government. They intend to do this by letting everyone suffer so they can try to make Obama and friends look like they can't get the job done.

When it comes to the GOP, I say, "Fire them all." Just to be fair, I also say, "Fire Nancy Pelosi."

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