Friday, April 30, 2010

Fluid Beliefs

Today I thought I would make a list of things that I believe to be true.  This is not to be confused with things I know to be true.  For example, I know that 2+2=4 and I know the Earth is round.

For me, beliefs are different.  It's not that I am less certain.  It's more like, I can't punch the data into a calculator and have the truth pop out.  Science is not mandatory. 

First, some small print.  I reserve the right to change my mind with regards to any of these at any time for any reason.

Here we go...

I believe in God but I don't think he/she/it is anything like we imagine he/she/it to be.
I believe power corrupts.
I believe most politicians are self serving first and cannot be trusted to govern fairly.
I believe most organized religions spend a lot of time convincing themselves they are doing the right thing.
I believe all organized religions are wrong about nearly everything although they still provide value.
I believe we underestimate the value of relationships; of our value to each other.
I believe most of my taxes are wasted.
I believe the Democrats are typically wrong but think they are right.
I believe the Republicans are typically wrong and know it, but think we are too stupid to notice.
I believe that financial reform is way past due.
I believe that man's social evolution lags far behind his scientific and physical evolution.
I believe happiness is as readily available to someone sleeping in a puddle as it is to a millionaire.
I believe in UFOs but I have no idea what they are about.
I believe in ghosts but not in the way they are portrayed on television
I believe that Hell is a state of mind that you need not die to attain.
I believe in life after death.
I believe in miracles but I don't think religion has anything to do with it.
I believe I create my own reality but am unable to fully grasp the implications.
I believe George W. Bush is the worst president of my lifetime. 
I believe the bible has truths as well as factual accounts dispersed amongst fables.

Well, that is a pretty short list. Gives me something to think about.

What are your beliefs?    Leave a list.   Read a list.   Be happy.



  1. Hmmm... Interesting question.

    I believe organized religions are limiting, but spirituality in general is liberating.
    I believe the secret to world peace is to focus on what we have in common rather than what divides us.
    I believe sincere, heartfelt prayers have an impact - although now I'm starting to have my doubts. It' hard to believe when you don't see immediate results, or when things go the opposite way than what you prayed for.

  2. I love reading other people's lists. It's like mental voyeurism. I get a peek inside.

    And I believe in prayers but I don't know why.

  3. I believe that religion is like telling a child about being good for Santa Claus.
    I believe that Muslem is not a religion by definition, it is actually a cult.
    I believe that we as a human race are one body as "Gods spirit" and when we hurt each other, we are hurting ourselves.
    I believe that heaven and hell are here on earth, we need not look any further.
    I believe in evil and preditors.
    I believe I am responsible in some way for everyone as they are all a part of me.
    I believe we are not evolving as we should at the moment.
    I believe that banks are tool of power for the powers to be.
    I believe that ignorance is the field in which wickeness grows.
    I believe that George W. Bush was very ignorant.
    I believe that we live many lives to grow into a better spirit.
    I believe that true happiness comes from service to others, not to oneself.
    I believe that love is overrated and kindness is underrated.
    I believe that sometimes you need to be brutal in order to be kind.
    I believe our political system is medieval at best.
    I believe that life is about the people we connect with.
    I believe we are overpopulating this plant and overpopulation is the source of most of our issues.
    I believe that education in this country is failing.
    I believe that Communism and Democracy cycle into each other.
    I believe that we have no idea of what we are doing most of the time.
    I believe that chocolate is essential.

  4. Thanks, and one more biggy I forgot:
    I believe that any peoples, race, country or religion that does not embrace and respect the womb which bore it's peoples is doomed to misery and destruction.
    On that pleasant note I am going to get some of that chocolate.
