Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mistakes happen

Everyone makes mistakes, right?

How else do you explain the duck bill platypus, or Rush Limbaugh?  See, even God can have an off day.

Why do I bring this up?  Well, I have this friend, let's call him Jim, no, James is better.

Anyway, he has this mustache beard thing that he tries to keep groomed.  Once a week, he runs this clipper over it and calls it a job well done.

Anyway, this "friend" flew into Budapest a couple of days ago.  This is a 9 hour time difference if, for example, James lived in...let's say California.

So Jim, I mean James, decides to do his weekly grooming and takes up his clipper, failing to notice that the attachment which allows him to trip only the longest hairs down a bit, is missing.  It fell off during the flight over.  So, sleep deprived James makes the first pass over his mustache and shaves half of it clean off.


So, now he waits.  Half a mustache shouldn't take too long to grow back.  Should it?

Anyway, there will be no photograph in today's blog.   Leave a list.  Read a list.  Be happy.


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