Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Socialism Limits

I'm in one of my "list" moods so I thought I would make a comment on what I think the government should pay for and what the individual should pay for.  This is intended to be a statement/measurement of "Am I more of a socialist than you?"

As of this moment, I have no idea.

I wanted to publish a Wikipedia definition of Socialism but the short version was incomprehensable and the long version was, well - long.

So, I am going to call it the following.  Taking in money from the general populace and redistributing it in such a way that matching use to contribution is not a consideration.  For example, I tax a rich person and use it for schools without considering the fact that the rich person has no kids.  I do it because it is efficient and promotes the overall welfare of society.

So what do I want my taxes used for and what do I want to pay for on my own.

Use taxes for:
  • Military
  • Education
  • Police
  • Fire departments
  • Roads
  • Governement
  • Local and international aide to those that cannot help themselves
  • Health care (take the profit out of it)
  • Insurance (take the profit out of it)

What I should pay for myself
  • My vehicle
  • My food
  • Where I live
  • My clothes
  • My recreation

What falls in between the cracks?

There are a lot of things here.  I don't want to pay for Yellowstone but I want it to be there should I decide to visit.  Ideally, a user fee would cover it.  If it didn't, I would then want the government to step in.  I could go on and on.

Basically, I think that most people want our taxes to pay for the things I want our taxes to pay for.  I don't consider myself a socialist.  I am clearly a capitalist.  I want to work hard, have a nice house and car and go on cool vacations.  But first, I want the basics to be taken care of and I am willing to pay for it.  I am willing to pay for schools long after my kids grow up.  I am willing to pay for your kidney transplant if you can't afford it.  I am willing to do this through taxes.   There are things we all want, but we have to be willing to pay for them.

I believe we get what we pay for.  There are those that think we can have it all and not pay for it. (aka tea party members).  Good luck with that.

Having said all of that, I am not willing to pay for fraud.  I am not willing to sponsor incompetence.

If I could change one thing, it would be that our government would have a Department of Fraud, Lies and Incompetence. This would be an independent agency that puts out a daily report on the Truth.  For example, it would have been helpful to see: George W. Bush worked for Cheney or BP caused the oil spill or Sarah Palin is number 295,758,332 on a list of people qualified to be president.  Instead, we are left to speculate.

I just noticed that I am rambling so I'll have to sign off for now.  I would be interested in your list of what you think the government should be spending tax dollars on and what you think you should be paying for yourself.

Jim   Leave a list.  Read a list.  Be happy.


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