Friday, July 30, 2010

I challenge you

With regards to politics, I consider myself an independent.  However, I was a Republican for decades.  Bush changed my thoughts on that and those that remain of the GOP only serve to push me farther away.

I understand that there is a lot of Obama Bashing going on out there.  What I don't understand is why.  I would like your help.  I am looking for constructive, fact-based answers to the following questions:

Why do some consider Obama's earlier trip to Europe an "apology tour?"  I would like specific words taken in context where he is apologizing.  Saying, "I want to improve relations," does not sound like an apology to me.

What is wrong with him going on vacation?  He took 33 days during his first 18 months in office while Bush took 3 times that number.

What did the previous administration do about immigration that exceeds what Obama is doing now?  Don't tell me about a 20 foot tall fence that can be climbed with a 21 foot ladder

What did the previous administration do about health care that exceeds what Obama is doing now?  If you plan on telling me about how your costs will go up, I want to know by how much and why.  Saying "Glenn Beck said so," is worth zero points.

What did the previous administration do about financial reform that exceeds what Obama is doing now? Feel free to quote noted economists.  Once again, Glenn Beck's education peaked during his senior year in high school so quoting him is not very persuasive.

Why is Obama being criticized for lack of job creation when the jobs created during his short administration already exceed the those created in two terms by the previous administration by more than a factor of 10?

Why is Obama being blamed for a war started by the previous administration?

Why is Obama being blamed for an economy ruined by the previous administration?

If Socialism is a redistribution of wealth, how much more wealth is being redistributed now that before?

Why is Obama being blamed for the oil spill when the previous administration, the Oil Gang, allowed the oil companies to play by the same rules as they were when the spill occurred?

How does Obama's response to the oil spill differ from Bush's response to Katrina (other than the 1,000 boats put on-site within days compared to Bush going back to his vacation routine).

See, these are easy questions.  There are factual answers to all of them.  I think that if we all had perfect information, we might behave differently.

I think we need an Office of Just the Facts.  This office would give factual data to everything from political activities to the vitamin content of baby food.

In my job, them math is everything.  I try to never guess.  Why should I, when 2+2 always equals 4?

I think this is why "opinion news" frustrates me.  It's a far cry from Walter Cronkite's day when what we heard was "the way it was."

Three days until my next flight...

up, up and away...


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