Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Road Trip

It's time to hit the road. After 10 days at home, I am ready to go. This will be a long trip (31 days total).

I am going to Ohio for a week; then Croatia for a week; then Hungary for a week and then back to Ohio. After that, I am home for a week; then San Diego for a week the Ohio for two weeks.

Then summer is over.

As of the moment, I have 1.8 million miles on United alone.

Since I am blogging, I feel compelled to comment on current events so here is a quick view from the cheap seats:

1. Is it just me or is Meg Whitman basing her entire campaign on the actions of her competition. I have yet to see her say, "This is who I am." Instead, she runs entire ads blasting her opponent. She says ridiculous things like, "Jerry Brown spent his time as governor sending jobs to China." Really? My guess is that a statement like that is taken a little out of context. It's sort of like calling someone with a past due parking ticket a "fugitive on the run."

2. Why do we make such a big deal about the gulf oil spill and ignore the much larger spill in Africa? Because it's somewhere else - simple. So, what does that make us?

3. I saw that some Iranian airlines were not being fueled at international airports. My first thought was surprise that there was actually a sanction that went beyond finger wagging. Turns out the report was wrong. Back to wagging...

4. Is the world cup still going on? How about Hockey and Basketball playoffs? Someone wake me when college football starts.

5. I think the headlines on July 5th are the same every year. They just change the name of the drunk that blew off his hand.

6. Google Voice is really cool.

7. Toyota will recover. BP will not.

8. Every school year that includes the issuance of books instead of e-readers is another years with billions of dollars wasted. Write one Algebra book and share it with every school in digital format. There is room on a basic i-phone for every text book used for the first 12 years of school.

9. Not really news but my dog went "off-roading" during our last hike. He emerged back onto the trail twenty minutes later with ten pounds of stickers on him.

10. I wonder how many terrorists have been granted US citizenship since my wife applied for a green card two and a half years ago (and still has not gotten it). I know of at least one and he tried to blow up New York.

Enough from the peanut gallery. Up up and away!


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