Sunday, October 24, 2010

I had a dream - of sorts

I had a dream last night where Sarah Palin and John Boehner (Republican leader) were on a stage answering questions from the press.

Questioner: "Mrs. Palin, given that your highest level of education is an undergraduate degree in journalism, why is it that you feel qualified to run a country?"

Palin: "Well gosh," wink, wink, "Joe the Plummer."

Questioner: "Mrs. Palin, I am curious about your understanding in economics given that you propose we return to the same policies that got us into trouble to begin with.  Perhaps you could tell us what, oh, how about you tell us what fiduciary means."

Palin: "You betcha.  A Fiduciary is where they keep the birds at the zoo."

Questioner: "Interesting." Then turning to John Boehner, "Sir, the Republican party wants to reduce spending.  Perhaps you could tell us what you would cut, given the opportunity."

Boehner: "I don't have to answer that but you can bet I'll hold meeting about it and then a pledge and then lots of other stuff."

Actually, I'm not sure if this was a dream or not.  It all seemed so real.

Now I have a couple of questions that have been bothering me.

Why are there no Baptist Al-Qaida?

How come the door-to-door bible people don't say, "Good morning sir, we'd like to talk to you today about Jihad."

And here is the biggest question.  How come the press and our government spend so much time spreading the fear of one or two individuals living in caves and eating mud soup?

Some American Al-Qaida make a video telling other sociopaths to kill at random and what do we do?  We spread the word.

"Attention everyone, a cave monkey wants people to blow themselves up in your neighborhood.  Be afraid."

They then go on to say, very importantly, "The threat level has been raised to orange."  They leave out the part that the level has been at orange since that entire kindergarten-like system was created.  They also ignore the fact that no one even knows what that is suppose to mean.

Europe shut down for a couple of weeks because some guy in a sheet said "Bombs are a-comin."  I don't know why they even bother to tell us about this stuff.  It's not like we are going to have a sudden outbreak of Hitler Youth that will call in an tell on their parents.

Security should just do it's thing and leave me out of it.  Should a bomb suddenly snuff me out in an instant, that's just fine.  At least I will have lived free of fear.

By the way, am I the only one that thinks "no cruel and unusual punishment" shouldn't apply to terrorists?  I don't think we should torture them but turning them into eunuchs that then spend the rest of their lives wandering how they are going to please 75 virgins with no equipment (the eunuchs not the virgins) seems like a fine idea to me.

Here is a link to a music video that I intend to watch every morning.  It makes me feel good.

Right now it's dark and raining outside.  I have to go out into it none-the-less.  There is nonsense afoot and I have a world to save.

Up, up and away...


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