Monday, December 20, 2010

Last minute holiday notes

It's been over a week since my last post.  Usually I don't go that long but things have been very busy.

I like it that way lest, "Jim becomes a dull boy."

I have almost completed my holiday shopping.  My wife likes magazines in the checkout line so, I bought a bunch of those for stocking-stuffers.  That was way more embarrassing that I had anticipated.

I am a big-time carnivore, however, I am thinking of changing my ways.  I have recently been eating Morning Star Foods vegetarian things and they are great!  Try the riblets or the chipotle/bean burgers.  Way better than meat.

The Republican party is faced with the Start Treaty.  This is an agreement to limit nuclear arms. It has been through 17 committees since last April.  Every living Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Security Adviser supports this treaty.  What do the Republicans say about this bill they have had on their desk for 8 months?

"We don't like this being pushed down our throats at the last minute."

You have got to be kidding me!!!

This is not the same as their stance on health care which is basically: Let the poor die.  Nor is it the same as their stance on extending tax breaks: More money for the rich using borrowed cash.  Nor is it the same as their stance on the dream act: Let them fight our wars but "No citizenship for you!"  Nor is this the same as the overall hypocrisy of: Lower spending but give money to the rich while building up the national debt in spite of what 100% of economists think.

No, this is about the End of the World.

That's what nuclear arms promise.

Albert Einstein said, "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

Christmas is just around the corner.  I love this time of year.  My kids are coming over this Wednesday night.  Everyone has to bring some Christmas candy/cookies that they made.  Then, when we are all sufficiently buzzed from all the sugar, we'll sit and watch It's a Wonderful Life.  We do this every year.

Christmas day I am off to Hungary.  From there, I go to Austria for three days of snowboarding.  Sounds exotic but Austria is really only about 4 hours away ( 2 hours to they border).

I watched a great movie yesterday.  The Fighter.  I give it four out of four stars.  Christian Bale will win the Academy Award for best supporting actor.  You heard it here first.  However, I expect Jeff Bridges to be over the top in True Grit for Best Actor of the year.

As for acting, I have a pretend world to save.

Up, up and away...



  1. Jim,
    Enjoy the holidays and have a great trip. Snowboarding in Austria! You've come a long way from those early skiing attempts. Most importantly - GO AZTECS! BEAT NAVY!


  2. Hey Phil,

    I was talking with Kimmy
    Clement a couple of weeks ago and I told him how you, and I think Jan Hill, took me skiing.

    Have a happy holiday down there.

    Should be a good win for Navy.

