Friday, April 8, 2011

Let me be perfectly clear...

I am absolutely convinced that Bonds lied to Congress.

I am certain the Garden of Eden is a fable.

I have no doubt that either (a) No one knows what God is or wants or (b) Everyone knows what God is or wants.

I know, as certain as I'm know the sun will come up tomorrow, that tax cuts for the rich creates more wealth for the rich and nothing more.  If you don't agree with this, then you are guessing. (or listening to Fox news).

I am fairly certain that arming rebels in Libya is a bad idea; given that we don't know who is in charge.

I think Egypt may be ruining it for others that want to overthrow their dictators because Egypt wants to punish the guy that stepped down.  If I were a dictator and I thought that I'd spend the rest of my life in jail by stepping down - I'm staying put.

The smart money is that the Yankees will win more games than Oakland.  Money may not buy happiness but it certainly can buy a lot of championship trophies.

And Finally,  there is no doubt in my mind that the Republican Party wants to shut down the government.  Here is why I say this.

  • After George W. the party lost all credibility; financially, militarily and global leaderhip-ly
  • The economy is improving and the Republicans don't stand a chance if that happens under Obama
  • The Tea Party is outside the capitol chanting "Shut it Down."
  • If it was about the money, they can just drop .008% from everything and save the money instead of targeting Planned Parenthood.  The facts are that Planned Parenthood prevents 2,000,000 unwanted pregnancies a year.  This translates into 800,000 fewer abortions a year.  The Republicans know this but they tell their constituents that Planned Parenthood causes abortions.  They are lying to get votes.  To appease the ignorant.
  • A shutdown, even if it is blamed mostly on the GOP will hurt the White House
  • The idea of 800,000 joining the ranks of the unemployed when the government shuts down will make George W's 700,000 job loss per month seem small.
The Democrats come right out and specifically say what the GOP wants to cut.  When confronted with this, the GOP says, "It's about the money." All the while refusing to say specifically what they want to cut.


I have decided I like the fact that Medicare has been put on the chopping block.  I say this knowing that it won't be cut. i don't want it to be cut. However, I think we need to look at all of the untouchables.  If, in the end, we decide not to cut any of it, then we need to come up with a way to pay for it.  One or the other.  Completely ignoring it is absolutely the wrong thing to do.  

I had an interesting conversation over lunch about the absurdity of accusations of Socialism and the Obama administration.  I decided to imagine a country with ZERO social programs.

Only the rich will have educated children since there will be no schools.
Every road will be a toll road, including the one in front of your house.
If you are poor and are robbed, the thief is free to go his own way.
If you are not rich and your house catches on fire, you'd better run for it because no one is coming to help.
If you have a heart attack and no insurance, they will leave you where you fall.
There will be no laws, no government, no military and no regulation

I know there are those that say, "Come on.  You are being ridiculous.  Of course we need those things.  That doesn't make us a socialist."  And you know what I would say, "You are absolutely right."

So, when the government wants to fund Planned Parenthood, the Tea Party calls it socialism and wasteful spending.

If you are a Tea Party member, I have to say, "I'm glad you're here."  Why?  Because once Glen Beck is out of the picture, I need someone else to provide my material.

Less than four hours before the shutdown.  I think I'd better get my cape on...

Up, up and away...


By the way, let's keep them honest with this...

Note: The airplane engine that the Republican talked proudly about getting rid of was actually tried to push through by Boehner because it would have meant 7,000 more jobs in his district.

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