Monday, April 4, 2011

Tis the season

Elections are just around the corner which means that they show up on a calendar if you have one of those 18 month calendars.

I have decided not to run for president.

I know.  I know.  The world needs saving.  I've given it some thought and decided I can contribute more from behind my mask.

I am an Obama man.  (Gasp - I had no idea).

Why?  Here's the deal, I am going to put together a list of his accomplishments and post it.  I will also put together a list of W's accomplishments and post them.  2 and half years for Obama verses 8 years of Bush.  Should be interesting.

Now here is the good part.  If you want to dispute any of my statements about these lists, send your argument to me and I will post it - un-edited.

Also, I would like to hear from you about who you think will make a good president.  I reserve the right to post my comments about what you say and, of course, I will post your counter comments.

Let's have a debate!

I see the GOP is planning on letting the government skid to a stop.  They have said, "No more stop-gap."  I bet that a stop-gap is passed anyway.  The GOP is bluffing.

The GOP is trying to get the $100 billion is cuts they promised to their bosses - The Tea Party.  I'm all for cutting spending.  After all, I used to be a Republican and I still like small governement.  However, I have the following problems with this particular cut:

  • The figure itself is just a number out of thin air and has nothing to do with specific areas to cut.
  • The GOP forced tax cuts back in December because "of a weak economy" and yet want to eliminate money that will cost 700,000 jobs; all to please their masters.
  • The GOP is trying to use this to cut money for family planning although they are pretending otherwise.

I saw the GOP response to Obama's announcement that he is running again.  In it, they blame him for the BP oil spill.  

This brings me to my main problem with the GOP:  They think I am an idiot.  

I am going to try to start doing a regular feature.  I go to youtube and look for a video of someone political being caught in a lie.  Today, I have Bill ORielly getting caught.  I've already seen it so I'm not going to hang around.

Up, up and away...

1 comment:

  1. This stuff is just so minimal for these guys to get so overwrought! All Coburn said was it was not the INTENT of the legislation to put people in jail. Sheesh! I mean, what happens if someone didn't pay the fine? It's like talking about traffic tickets. Why is this important? To prove FOX lies? They ALL lie; including Young Turks and Media Matters. Why would I choose to believe one and not the other?
