Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Americans Begin to See the Light

This just in: 53% of Americans believe that Obama should be re-elected.  His approval rating is the highest it has been in 2 years.

Meanwhile, at the GOP strategy ranch, the situation is tense.  Americans are rejecting the Medicare Budget by a ratio of 4 to 1.  Most Americans (71%) are now in favor of raising the tax rate on the richest 1%.  Unemployment is dropping.  Their main weapon - Fear - has been disarmed as Obama shows terrorists he means business.  And, I love this, Newt Gingrich is the Republican front runner for 2012!

Talk about a party in disarray.

I've heard a lot on the news lately about The Dream Act.  This was something put together by the Republicans and Democrats.  The Republicans later voted against their own proposal when they saw it would be seen as a success for Obama.

I favor the Dream Act.  An illegal alien that is fighting in our military or enrolled in our colleges should be given a short path to citizenship.   The only guy that I can see being against it is the one with the bumper sticker that says, "Confederate by choice, Union by force."

Suppose someone threw a debate and no one came. That's what happened when Fox hosted a GOP presidential debate.  I didn't recognize a single person.  It was basically a show where the moderators said things like, "Don't you agree that Obama is just awful?" and they would all nod.  The winner, I don't remember his name, had a lot of sound-bites like: "The government doesn't create jobs.  Small businesses create jobs."  While this may be right, people tend to hear the term "small business" and think that he just said, "Small businesses with income tax breaks create jobs," which is a GOP sound-bite and a completely false statement.

One thing they did bring up was stem cell research.  Their responses all had the George W. feel to them.  You know, where things like science are best left out of the church, I mean out of a Republican led government.

While tax breaks can control behavior, we need to know there is a different between a business' tax rate and individual taxes.  In San Francisco, they can say, "Build south of Market Street and we will not tax your company for a year."  This encourages people to build south of Market.  It works.  What doesn't work is "I will lower your personal tax rate and you will then use that money to hire people."  Not the same thing.  The GOP wants you to believe they are the same.

I heard on MSNBC (definitely a Democrat's version of Fox News) that reworking Medicare will add 44 million more people to the ranks of uninsured.  I'll tell you what, if they rework Medicare and I don't start saving for old-age-healthcare right this minute, I will be among those 44 million.

Did you know that about 20 to 25% of the price you pay for gas is due to speculation.  This is just bankers and brokers buying and selling oil while they sit at a desk.  Obama is going after this.  Anyone want to take a bet on the GOP position?

We all want less government interference but the Free Market is not perfect.  It's not perfect because WE are not perfect.  We are thoughtless and selfish and short-sighted.  All of us, albeit to varying degrees.  We need some regulation or we will all go down with our hands in the cookie jar.

I saw a commercial where a guy gets out of his car at a gas station.  He takes out his wallet and walks over to this plastic tube.  Once he is close, the tube sucks the wallet right out of his hand.  It was great.

Just in:  Hikers in Iran will not be on trial today.  The trial has been delayed.  The official reason for the delay is, and I'm not making this up, "No one brought the hikers to the courthouse from the jail."

Someone should call Akmademajob (may have misspelled that one) over in Iran and say, "Can you say SEAL Team Six?"

That's a wrap.  The sun is up and there are evil doers afoot.

Up, up and away...


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