Friday, May 6, 2011


I got up this morning and before heading down the stairs, I sat and talked with my dog about the day ahead.

We do this every morning.  He waits at the top of the stairs and when I sit, he sits.  He listens carefully for keywords such as "Walk" or "Car"; things that mean fun ahead.  Mostly, I think he just likes to hear my voice.  So I put my arm around him and talk.

I go to work.  I come home.  I read.  I write.  I meet with friends.

And Al Qaeda wants to kill me.


Maybe it's because they don't like the "cut of my jib", whatever that means.  Maybe they blame me for the fact that they live in mud huts.  Maybe they are mad because I don't think exactly like they do leading them to doubt their own beliefs (this is probably it).  Maybe its the virgins.    I wonder what would happen if a terrorist had a near-death experience and when he woke up he said, "I've been to heaven and there are no virgins there."

I bet there would be a steep drop in Exploding Underwear Club membership.


The economy added 244,000 new jobs last month.   And yet, unemployment rose from 8.8% to 9.0%.  The reason for this is basically, there was a shift change down at the bureau (<- hard word to spell) of numbers and they had a new guy throwing the dart this month.

I wonder where we would be if the rich didn't get their tax break.  I'm thinking that we'd be right where we are now but with a much smaller national debt.  I can't say this enough.  "Create jobs by creating customers first."  This mean put the money in the hands of the buyers.  The "makers" aren't going to make a thing until this happens.

I tried my hand at making Hungarian Pagacsa (po-gatcha) yesterday.  I now know the origins of cardboard.

A pagacsa is a light, buttery biscuit that tastes great.  There are about 30 different ways to make them. I got one off the internet and inadvertently made the "drywall" version.  Today I will try again.  Once I find the right one....millions!

Then Al Qaeda will really be after me.  ("That man has delicious pagascas and we don't - kill him!")

Politically, I am a Democrat that was a Republican.  I voted for Bush (twice!) and for that, I ask your forgiveness.  However, I am really not one or the other.  For example, California has labor laws that are right out of the liberal playbook.  As a result, companies don't come here to start up business.    The state seems to be oblivious to this.  As much as I blame the Republicans for just about everything (including yesterday's pogacsa debacle) the Democrats are to blame for California's budget woes.

I'm not talking about the Tea Party "Let's cut spending because we sound really just when we say it" gang.  I'm talking about getting government out of the workplace to the point where it is no more intrusive that the other 49 states.

California cannot compete with the other states in much the same way that the United States cannot compete with China.

China has no rules.  The United States has some rules.  California has ALL of the rules.

I like Jerry Brown.  I liked Arnold.  I want them to succeed regardless of political affiliation or quality of film making.  I must admit that back in the late 70's, I was a bit put off by Jerry dating Linda Ronstadt, just when I was thinking of making my move.

I told my dog I would mention him in today's blog.  He wagged his tail in approval.

I need to get him a cape.

Off to save the world.

Up, up and away...


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