Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Obama issues a congressional spanking...

This just in: Congress is the problem.

I just watched Obama's brief speech followed by an hour of Question and Answers. It can be summed up by the following quote he made close to the end: “We need to get out of the short-term and selfish approach that politics breeds.”

Let's look at a few questions and answers:

Question: If GOP will not approve anything that includes a tax increase, what will you do?

Answer: He danced on this a bit by not answering direct. Instead, he laid out why they must get the deal done. He restated the following points which he made in his opening speech.

He thinks there are things Congress should do right now such as (1) giving government loans to states that need infrastructural work to create immediate construction jobs (2) extend middle class tax cuts (3) rework laws that allow easier patent approval and (4) complete work in international trade agreements.
He pointed out that Congress has the bigger stick when it comes to fixing the economy.
He stated that he favors some tax-cut extensions such breaks for investment and breaks on capital gains for companies starting up.
He notes that these things have traditionally received bipartisan support. However, nothing is getting done simply because Congress wants to argue and blame each other.
He stated that he is against tax cut extensions for the ultra rich individuals and companies.
He stated that we cannot balance the budget by cuts alone. For example, he does not want seniors to carry the entire load by cutting Medicare while giving tax cuts for corporate jets.
"Every observer that is not an elected official (including GOP members that are no longer in office) says it can’t be done without a balanced approach." A balance approach means that there will need to be tax increases for the rich.
Question: What about Libya"

Answer: He appropriately used the term "Cause Celeb" when referring to congress on this issue. He said, "I told the American people exactly what we were going to do when this started and I have made sure we did exactly what we said we would do." He even pointed out that Kerry (D) and McCain (R) are co-sponsoring a bill to extend the action for up to another year (although it will be done much earlier than that).

My response: At one point he stated that much of what is being said about Libya, the debt ceiling or the budget is just politicians saying things that will get them on the national news shows. I think this one issue (anything to get face time on the news) is big.

Question: What do you think about the government stopping Boeing from making a move?

Answer: He basically said, "Companies should not be allowed to close up shop simply because labor and management can't get along."

My response: This is a pure Democrat position that is not so simple and one that I cannot support. Companies should always do whatever they think they need to do to stay competitive. As soon as they don't, they are out of business and no one wins. Just saying, "That's not fair." means nothing. The Greeks are doing just that right now and look at what that got them. The world is a competitive place. Companies that don't compete don't stick around for long. The government needs to loosen their reins on companies. I want to point out that my position is based on the idea that if companies can compete, more jobs will be created.

Question: "When you gave your speech on Afghanistan, you didn't use the word "victory." How do you think that makes our troops feel."

Answer: "I used the word "success" instead of "victory" because it's more appropriate." He went on to clarify what "success' meant.

My response: This was a FOX news question and I feel embarrassed for them. They are catering to those that see war in the same light that they see a football game. Do we want to do what is right? Or, should we carpet bomb Afghanistan down to bedrock so we can have a pep rally.

Question: Would you consider tax cuts to stimulate the economy?

Answer: We gave tax cuts and they served to "cushion" the impact of things like high oil prices and the crisis in Japan. He stressed the benefit of putting the extra $1,000 in the hands of each middle class family. He also stressed (earlier) how focused tax cuts for job creators are a good idea.

My response: The "between the lines" response was that blanket tax cuts for the rich are not what we need. While I agree with what he said, I don't think he said enough. Here was the prefect opportunity to say, "Tax cuts don't pay for themselves." The GOP, against every knowledgeable opinion, is stating that we need to give the rich more so they will create more jobs. I can't help but wonder how many extra jobs were created by Carrot Top when his taxes were lowered.

Question: There are those that say you are using scare tactics when it comes to the debt ceiling.

Answer: “If US cannot pay its bills, then the consequences will be significant and unpredictable. All headwinds against recovery will get worse and job creation will be further hampered." He clearly stated that August 2nd is not an arbitrary date. He made a great point on this. He said we have already spent the money. We have already bought the car. Cutting spending from the budget will not give the car back. On August 2nd, we will have to make decisions like "Should we pay the military or should we pay social security."

My response: He hit this out of the park (he must read my blog). Obama basically said the congress needs to act. He pointed out that the GOP is telling him he needs to show leadership. He then pointed out how he has met with every caucus. He has met with all of the leaders. He has pushed and pushed for congress to get the deal done. Congress, on the other hand, has spent most of their time out of their offices and talking up how he is not involved. Obama basically said, "I'm here. I have always been here. I am involved. Where are you?"

Now, I am going to predict the GOP response: They will say, "Look, the American people want us to create jobs." They will then sit back and act as if they have just made a great counter argument. They may go on to say, "Look, Obama's spend and spend policies have created the debt and now is not a good time to raise taxes." Their base will hear this and nod knowingly, without questioning the legitimacy of it.

In summary, he said that there are solutions. Everyone knows what they are but the GOP is holding things up, arguing simply because it gives them political air time.

I think this was a great press conference.

I give Obama an A-. He is still trying to not point too direct of a finger. I would have loved a much more stronger "wage of the finger" at the Republicans. He should have said, "It appears to me that the GOP is defying all logic in an attempt to hold back the economy. They are doing this to make me look bad so they will have a better chance in 2012."

Sorry for creating a purely political blog, but this is important stuff.

Consider yourself saved.

Up, up and away...


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