Monday, March 22, 2010

Psychic Phenomena (Part II)

Being the first volunteer, I find myself sitting at a table across from an 80 year old woman.  The table is made of wood and about the size of a card table.

She placed her hands, palm down on the table in front of her and instructed me to do the same.

Keep in mind that I am a skeptic at this point.  I am not going to give away anything.  I am prepared to not answer any questions and surprisingly, she asks none.

Instead, she tells me, "Think of someone that has died that you would like to be in contact with."

I think of a name which I keep to myself.  Almost immediately the table lifts several inches off of the ground on her side.  Everyone in the room gasps.  Her hands are on TOP of the table not below.  There is no table cloth or anything that would prevent us from seeing underneath.  It was clear that she was not doing this.  In fact, she frequently removed one hand or the other to gesture.  We confirmed earlier that her hands had no adhesive.

The table lifted and neither she, nor I, did it.

The table tapped 11 times indicating the letter "k".  It then tipped up so high on her side that my side of the table brushed up against me.  She said, "This person is very happy to hear from you."

She didn't know this but the name I had in my head was Kevin Knox, a boy that I grew up with that died in a car crash about 8 years earlier.  I only knew a few other people in the room.  None of them would have known about Kevin since he was a childhood friend when I lived 300 miles away.

She asked if the first name stated with a "k" and I said, "yes."

She then said, "Let's see if we can get a last name."

Again, the table tapped out a "k."  She thought this was an error telling the table (or whoever) that "We already have the first initial.  We are looking for the last initial."  I had to interrupt and tell her that the "k" was also the last initial.

Next, Adele asked me to think of something that only I would know about.  I thought about a poem.  Kevin had written a poem for English class wondering what it would be like when he died.  He was a popular kid and they published this poem in the yearbook that year.  There is no way anyone knew about this.  There is no way any of my actions tipped this off.

The table then tapped out P-O-E-M.

It was him!  There could be no doubt.  This went on for a few more minutes.  I was amazed as was everyone else.  As far as Adele Tinning was concerned, she was as impressed as if she were sipping tea with some friends.  This was not so special to her.  It happens all the time.

As the evening went on, everyone got a chance at the table.  The table did similar things for all but one.  In just one case, the table somehow indicated that the person sitting with Adele was not suppose to be there.  We all felt bad for this person.

Possibly the most amazing thing about that night, other than Adele and the table, was how we all came to accept the whole thing.

After an hour or so, I remember standing off to the side having a coffee with someone, just talking about the weather or sports or something while, the table was tapping away for yet another person.

I have had other experiences but none that compare to this one.  I invite you to pass this blog link to your friends.  I would love for everyone to know this story and to post their own stories in the comments section at the end of this blog.


  1. I never had any spiritual experience similar to the one you described. What's been happening to me recently is a series of coincidences that seem to point toward a certain goal I need to accomplish. I see them as road signs indicating I'm going the right way, or pointing to where I need to go next.

  2. Hi Annie,

    Thanks for checking in. A few of those coincidences were related to my book.

  3. Yes, I would be very skeptical too. But saw a "ghost" one day as a shadow crossing behind me in my house and frequent sounds going up the stairs when the house was empty. Kind of just got used to it. So now I accept it. Love your story because I know you are skeptical, so has to be true.


  4. Joyce,

    Is this at the house you live at now? That would be cool. You should pull out a Ouija Board and see what you get.


  5. Aloha, I had the great pleasure of a reading with Adele in September of 1981 or 82 in San Diego AT HER HOME! My very dear friends and their father were very close to Adele...I like you had an unforgettable reading and actually the whole experience with her changed my view of death and dying. Thanks for sharing yours! Betts

  6. Hi Betts,

    Thanks for checking in. Yes, my experience with her changed/solidified many of my views.


  7. I came across this blog this weekend while I was doing a search on Adele Tinning. I met Mrs. Tinning in 1978 while I was a college student, and I have to say that the experience was life-changing. My experience was much as you describe, with the table in Mrs. Tinning's sunlit breakfast nook in Point Loma San Diego danced around the room with only a 71 year-old woman's plam resting on the top. In my experince I met my Master Teacher, deceased relatives and no less than Albert Einstein. I was told that the universe is Steady State and the Big Bang model was wrong. Just this last Monday at a lecture about the "Dark Universe" I learned that production of matter out of nothing as proposed by Hoyle was possible.

    I had discounted my experience with Adele Tinning because a prediction in her book did not come true. I ruled the whole thing out as a trick, although I cannot explain how such a trick could have been done. Now I begine to wonder again.

    Whatever the truth is, Mrs. Tinning was one of the kindest, most wonderful people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I expect she, along with the revelations in her book, will be a mystery to me all my life.

  8. I met Adele and her husband in the Fall of 1978. I was 21, worked in La Mesa and, through work, I knew her son. Myself and three others went to visit her in her home. She spent many hours with us. Yes, it was incredible, as described by Mr. Dillingham. At one point, the table stopped. Adele announced that Jesus Christ had entered the room. The table tipped up on her side, then pivoted on one leg only and swung around to point one of the table's corners directly at me. It was pointing to my lower abdomen. It stayed that way for twenty minutes. Adele told me Jesus was healing me. No one who was there, nor her son, knew that earlier that year, I'd been diagnosed with cancer, had a couple of surgeries and had gone through four months of radiation treatment aimed at, yes, you know, my lower abdomen. The cancer . I have only told my wife of this story. I never saw Adele again. She was a very sweet person, giving, gentle and with a beautiful soul.

  9. Anonymous (March 15),

    That was a great story. It game me chills. Thanks.


  10. I had eight visits with Adele at her home. Her husband, Ogre (really!) was every bit as kind and loving as she was. We'd begin at eight and 'tip' far into the early morning. Speaking silently to dead relatives and other interested and interesting 'parties', we had many wonderful experiences. One day I had an overwhelming premonition about an earthquake in San Diego. My feelings were so strong that I thought about moving my family away until the event happened. I called Adele and asked her to 'talk' with the experts in the table. She called me back saying that there was no threat or danger and to "look south". Neither of us knew what that meant but two days later twenty-plus thousand people were killed in a huge quake in Central America.
    She seemed to love me like a nephew, taking a deep and personal interest in me and my psychic depth, my invention and successful business. According to her I was on my 'last life'(of seven) and am to become a Master Teacher when I pass on from this life.
    My experiences mirror most of those that are found in blogs such as this and others on the 'net. I join in the universal message that she was one of the most special, loving, pleasant and interesting women I've encountered. I hope she's on the 'other side' making someone else's table tipple, amazing others as fortunate as we to have known her on 'this side'.

  11. Adding to my comment above... all of my eight visits began with Jesus entering the table first. He was my Master Teacher and the table moved very slowly and deliberately when He was there. On the other hand, the table bounced gleefully when my brother's spirit (killed at 19) was in charge.
    Also on every one of my eight visits the table spent thirty seconds to as long as three full minutes touching my abdomen, 'healing' me from a still-unknown condition. (I very-much appreciate the opportunity to share my experiences... thank you.)
