Saturday, March 27, 2010

World Gratitude List

I blogged the other day about things that I like.  I got several responses by both email and blog comments.  People sent me their list of things they like.

Two things struck me as interesting.

First, I felt good about my list.

Second, I felt good about the other lists that people posted or emailed.

So, I have created a website.  It is called 

My intent is to see other people's lists.  It will help me and hopefully, it will help them as well. 

There are several lists you can make there so please drop by and check it out.  If you like what you see; if you leave a list and it makes you feel better; if you read a list and it makes you feel better, then pass the link along.


  1. It's pretty cool Jim. You need to turn "you" into "your" on the top line - top of the page. Sorry for my crazy editor eyes.

  2. Hi Joyce,

    Thanks for the catch. Fixed.

