Friday, March 26, 2010

On The Other Hand

Yesterday I posted a blog about things that I like.  In general, I believe that the more positive thoughts I have, the more positive a life I experience.

For some reason, I have been thinking that today, I need to post a blog about things I don't like.  For a while, it seemed like I was going against my own advice.  If I dwell on the negative won't my life be more negative as a result?


However, my blog about positive things allowed my to really see how fortunate I am.  Today's blog is to see how petty my grips really are.  I put them down here to let them go, not so I can dwell on them.

Here are the things I want to let go:

Anger at tailgaters

Anger at people the crowd in front of me in lines

Fear of economic insecurity

Anger at political opinions that differ from my own

Anger at organized religions

I think that's about it.  Not too long a list really.  I should add the fact that this list is short to the things on my gratitude list.

Interestingly, all of my bad thoughts have to do with anger and fear while my positive thoughts are of love and happiness.

Interesting but not surprising.

I am going to start a website  On this sight, people from all over would post their gratitude lists.  They could go back over time and review their old lists and see what others have put down.  I think it will be interesting.


  1. Cool idea on the gratitude list. Should be interesting.
    Things to let go:
    Frustration at incompetence
    Disgust at people who spread anger/pain
    Hopelessness over mass ignorance
    Company line mentality
    Fear based religions (all of them)
    Lack of individual responsiblity

    and of course, the guy who never puts his blinkers on to turn at the intersection and makes me wait all day to cross because I think he is driving through the intersection. Ugh!!

  2. Hi Joyce,

    I think if I took my car related issues away, I would have very little to whine about.

