Sunday, April 11, 2010

Past Lives

Einstein said that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous.  If he said it, then it must be true, right?

Anyway, I had a high school reunion yesterday; sort of a past life event.  I think a reunion is a way or reaching backwards and pulling our memories into the present moment.  It was "over the top" fun.  All the girls were still pretty and all the guys were still 12.  It was perfect.

Another thing ties into this subject of past lives.   While driving to the reunion, I heard a song from way back.  It was called "Brandi" by Looking Glass.  It's a story about a guy, a sailor, who comes to a port and has a good time.  He likes Brandi but as he puts it, "My life, my love and my lady is the sea."

I am an ex-navy man and I can relate to this.  This song from my past, as I drove to my past, reminded me of my past.  No matter what exotic port we were calling on, when the ship returned to the sea, a part of everyone on board could feel it -we were going home.  The sea called and we went without hesitation.

It's hard to describe other than to say, it was a beautiful thing.

Now, what do we really think about when we read a title like "Past Lives"?  For me, its a reincarnation thing.  Did I live before?  Who or what was I?

I have this feeling about my own Past Life (one of possibly none or many).

I was in Sweden a few years ago with my wife.  We went to this giant building.  Inside was a ship named VASA.  This ship set sail in 1628 and was the pride of the Swedish fleet.  After it traveled less than a mile, it sank and stayed at the bottom of a bay for centuries.  It seems the king wanted a lot of canons (who doesn't?).  Too much weight caused the ship to tilt and take water into the cannon ports.  It sank quickly.

So, Erika and I go into this giant building where this ship is.  Almost as soon as we entered, we came face to face with this giant wooden ship.  I immediately felt this strange sensation of familiarity come over me.  I knew I had been on that ship before.  So much emotion came up that I almost cried.  Instead, I man-upped and said something like "nice ship."

How did that happen?  Better asked, "What actually happened?"  As we walked around, everything was familiar.  Everything.  Somehow, I either knew that ship or I knew of ships from that period.  To this day, I believe that my stint in the Navy in the 1970's and 80's was not my first experience with My Life, My Love and My Lady...

I think I will add a "Past Life Experience" tab to my website below.

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