Friday, April 9, 2010

Universal Truths and MMA (Mixed Marial Arts)

For the purpose of this ramble, I am going to call a Universal Truth, a moral or ethical condition which, when viewed by a rational group, would be deemed by 100% of those doing the deeming, to be either true or false.

For example, in physics, we may call gravity a Universal Truth.  Drop an apple and 100% of a rational (very important condition) audience would agree that it will fall to the earth.

But what about value, moral or ethical questions.  Is there such a thing as a Universal Truth.  Is there something that 100% would call good or bad - right or wrong?

Off the top of my head, I would say no.  Now, many would disagree with me, thereby making my point. For if we agree on the definition of Universal Truth but cannot agree that such a thing exists, then we failed to get the 100% majority in either direction for such a thing to be true.- I'm not sure that made a lot of sense.

Let's try this.  Is it right or wrong to kill someone (I ask diving right into the deep end.)  Opinions vary.  What about stealing or lying?  I bet most of you would go either direction if the conditions were right.  I also bet you can't find a condition that would sway 100% one way or the other.

So, Jim, you ask, what are you getting at?

I am getting at the fact that maybe Shakespeare was right when he caused Hamlet to say, "For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."  I have to admit that I have always liked this idea.

When a Republican votes no and a Democrat votes yes, is either wrong in doing so?  I would answer, "Only if they voted in a way they believed to be wrong at the time they did it."

Overall, I think we are fairly good judges of what is right or wrong for ourselves.  I also believe we are fairly poor judges at doing the same for others.

So where does the MMA come into play?

I had a friend recently mention that she, her adult son and her husband were watching MMA last night.  Now, MMA is basically two men in a cage trying to beat each stupid.  It's bloody.  It's brutal.  It's inhuman.  I love it!  Or at least I use to.  Now days, I prefer something that doesn't remind me that I am no longer as big and strong as I once pretended to be.

So anyway, this friend posts a comment about MMA and her family time on Facebook and BOOM.  Someone takes offense.  She comments on what a shame it is that people let such things into their houses.  She continued on a bit about God and such, I am not getting it perfectly accurate but the point was clear.  Good Christians wouldn't watch such stuff.  At least that was what the commenter was saying.

Her truth, not mine.

If there is such a thing as a Universal Truth, something that maybe we could be 100% of a rational audience to agree on, it might be this, "Your truth is not my truth."

I will have to relook at my list of pet peeves.

There is of course, tailgaters, pretend news people and now Universal Truthers.  Leave a list.  Read a list.  Be happy.



  1. Kim Presley SuffeletteApril 9, 2010 at 11:12 PM

    Interesting thoughts, Jim. I enjoy reading your blog. I am a Christian, but get so annoyed when other Christians want to judge me and others by their extra-biblical standards just as the Pharisees and other religious leaders in Jesus's day did. I do believe in the absolute truths found in the Scriptures of old and I choose to follow the One (Jesus) who said that He was "truth" and "light" and "the way" as recorded in the Good Book. One "way" seems like the loving act of a Creator. Many "ways" seems confusing. God is not the author of confusion, but of order and design. I'm still a work in progress and thankful for His grace everyday. The last verse in the book of Judges says that "every man did what was right in his own eyes." That depiction of Israel of the Old Testament is a good desription of America today...confused. I hope you don't mind me countering some of your thoughts. If you do mind, I hope that you will "let me off the hook." Tee Hee. Hey, have a great time at the reunion in Bako. Sure wish I could be there too.
