Monday, August 9, 2010


I am at once, baffled by, frustrated with and in appreciation of those that don't agree with me.

If, as some believe, we each create our own universe, then I don't think I would design mine so that there was no conflict; where everything I thought or said was immediately accepted as gospel.  

Still, there are some that believe things that are beyond me.

Here is my list of the top 5 beliefs that astound me.

#5: We never landed on the moon.

#4: The Earth is Flat

#3: Virgins await terrorists in heaven.

#2: One religion is right while all the others are wrong.

And the number one thing that people (27% of Americans) believe that I find amazing is...

#1: President Obama is not an American Citizen.

Forget about the certificate of live birth.  Yes, I know its not signed but most weren't at that time and place.  Forget about the newspaper article saying he was born in Hawaii.  Forget about the Republican governor that says Obama was born in Hawaii.

Forget all of that.  Here is the real problem with this myth.  Secrets are really, really hard to keep.  Especially the juicy ones.  Benjamin Franklin said, "Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead."

So, those that believe in myth #1 think that Obama was born in Kenya and that Kenya has a plan to take over the world.  The Kenyans have been working on this for over 40 years now and are patiently waiting for the big payoff.   This will probably come in the form of a gigantic bag of Peanut M&M's.

Here is what I think.  If you believe in any of the top five myths, you should not be allowed to reproduce.  I know that is a bit "Eugenic" (<-a big but important word to know so look it up) but there are some attitudes that a universe of My Own Creation could do without.

Also, I haven't advertised it for a while but stop by and leave a list behind.  You will be glad you did.

Back to saving the world...

up, up and away...



  1. Dude doesn't it amaze you that about half of America doesn't believe in evolution and that the earth is 6k years old or so

  2. Friendly Persuasion,

    You're right. I should have added both of those.


  3. by the way Jim (though when I say Jim I am saying Dils in my head) it's me Jim Hill, this is my cheesy google ID though it is taken from one of my favorite movies of all time....who knew Gary Cooper could be funny
