Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I can't help myself

I am taking a 2-hour break in the middle of an 18-hour day.  Room service (quesadilla) and CNN - perfect for a brief unwind.

I had no intention of blogging today, but the news is so good I just have to share it.

First of all, as I predicted here (see, I give you tomorrow's news today), every country in the world that is mostly desert is protesting.  Seems like they all just noticed that the ruling party can only rule if you let them.  The best part of this is that it's all mostly peaceful.  Sure, there is violence here and there but most of that is the governments killing people for carrying signs.

The one I want to see fall hardest is Iran.  They applauded Egypt's tumble and then started shooting their own people when they tried to hold an unauthorized pep rally.  By the way, all pep rallies in Iran carry the death penalty...unless it's a pep rally cheering on the Most Benevolent Government.

Next on the Block, the informant known as Curve-ball admitted he made the whole thing up.  For those of you that don't remember, this is the guy that told the Bush administration about the weapons of mass destruction that sent us to war.  Now, this very guy, is broke.  He's been fired by several fast food restaurants for....and I'm not making this up...lying.  It seems Burger King vets its french fry cook more closely that George W's administration.  I get the feeling that Curve-ball left a sticky note on Bush's desk saying, "They got stuff" and Bush called a War Board and said, "Let's go get em."  Then later, alone in his room, he whispered, "Are you proud of me now daddy?"

Finally, there is the John Boehner affair.  It seems that Obama, acting on the recommendation of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of the Department of Defense, wanted to slash the development of a new jet engine most referred to as a giant waste of money.  ($450 million)

John Boehner, champion of cutting all wasteful spending, didn't agree.  Strange.  Why would he want to spend money even the military doesn't want to spend.  Could there be something along the lines of tax cuts for the rich while blaming others for the debt?

Ask the Tea Party.  They surprisingly agreed with Obama.  These junior congressmen went against their fearless Tanned Leader and voted it down.

So what was going on?

Turns out, the engine would have created 7,000 jobs in Boehner's home state.  He denied that was behind it all.  Instead, he insisted by spending money wastefully, he was promoting competition in the "unwanted jet engine" industry.

When will these guy learn that when you get caught with a page in the hallway, admit it and move on.

Boehner is trying to cover up self-serving motives with lies.  By the way, he is two heartbeats away from being our fearless leader.

Time to head back to work at the plant.

They need my super powers or all is lost.

Up, up and away...


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