Friday, May 20, 2011

Arab Spring

I thought I'd take a minute and just recap what is going on in the Middle East. That way, we have a written record of the events.

It started in December 2010 and continues today - what is now called The Arab Spring.

I like this term. It smells like freedom.

The Arab Spring refers to all of the countries in the Middle East where the populations are rising up and yelling, "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore."

In keeping with the Dictator's Handbook, most of the early "yellers" were shot on the spot. But they kept coming and to the surprise of the world, things began to change.

In summary:
Tunisia - regime overthrown
Egypt - regime overthrown
Libya - regime in bunker with buxom blonde bodyguard
Bahrain - regime in denial (and so is the United States)
Yemen - regime on the brink
Syria - regime is in the "No, you shut up" mode
Iran - in "we have no homosexuals here" mode

So there you have it. Let's see what happens next. I'm waiting for China.

I see that Obama wants the starting point in the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations to be the 1967 border. What do I think about this? I think they need to stop killing each other. I'm glad we seem to be taking a firm position. I don't care if its the right one or not. But we needed to step up and say, "Stop this sh*t!" Too many lives are filled with too much sorrow, and anger and grief for this to not come to an end. Forget fairness. Just stop it.

I just downloaded Internet Explorer 9. I gave it 15 minutes of effort and then deleted it from my computer. It is a huge, slow program. While it appears to have features on-par with the other browsers, stuff is moved around. For example, I couldn't figure out how to make a home page or transfer bookmarks. When I first opened it, it went to a page that sells Norton software. It didn't want me to go anywhere else until I checked out the software first. I actually had to search online to find out how to uninstall it. In keeping with Microsoft's policy, once you get it, you must keep it, they actually made it so it doesn't appear in programs you can uninstall. I figured it out with the help of the internet.

Internet Explorer 9 is a lot like Office 2007 or Office 2010. I'm sure it works but do you really want to spend all of that time to learn something that is really no improvement over the competition? I give it my lowest rating of "standard microsoft fodder".

Now a word on PAC's and Super PAC's (thanks Kim).

PAC stands for Political Action Committee. These constructs are ways for political parties to gather infinite funds legally. There are rules which are so easily circumvented that you might as well pretend they are not there. For example, a Super PAC cannot be directed by a political party but they can contribute infinite money to that party.

Suppose there is a garden party and a politician from one of the parties is standing there saying to himself, "I'm considering voting against removing subsidies for the oil industry. If only there was something to help me make up my mind." And suppose this is overheard by a lobbyist. The next thing you know, a Super PAC, created and funded by the oil industry contributes millions to this politician's war chest. This is legal!

Both parties do it.

I am strongly against unlimited campaign contributions. $20 per person is enough. No corporate contributions. No organized contributions at all. It amazes me that we allow this. There is no attempt at all to hide what these contributions really are.

They are bribes.

The guilty parties are those that give as well as those that receive.

We scoff at the ways other countries use bribes to get things done. Even Obama, in yesterday's speech said something about how its a shame in some countries you need to bribe someone just to get your business started.

Here in the United States, policy is made based on bribes so large that they could house, feed and clothe the rest of the world.


There was a recent competition for warning labels. Which label is the most ridiculous. For example, a label on the cover of a hot tub said, "To prevent drowning, remove cover before use." This is a purely United States contest. When they asked people in other counties about this contest, they seemed confused. All of their comments basically came down to,"We don't have labels like that because our country does not allow stupid lawsuits."

Notice how I am picking on the United States here? That is the greatest thing about our country. I can say what I want without fear of "disappearing."

And for that - I am truly thankful.

Now for today's quote:

"You work three jobs? Uniquely American, isn’t it? I mean that is fantastic that you’re doing that.” George W. Bush to a divorced mother of three.

I must run for our world needs me.

Up, up and away...


as always - thanks for the clicks...

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