Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tea Party

I am not the least bit certain about what the Tea Party stands for so this blog is truly a View From The Cheap Seats.

Here is what I think they are:

  • An off-shoot of the GOP that is tired of those currently pretending to be Republicans.  As such, they are part of the "Throw the bums out," gang and as far as that goes, I am with them.
  • They appear to be a bit naive.  For example, they think the president controls the economy; or they want you to think he does so they can blame him.  They think that the economy turns on a dime. 
  •  They tend to get all fired up over statements like, "You betcha I support those constitutional values."  I don't even know what that means.  Especially when they want to change the constitution with regards to birthers.
  •  They want a smaller government but are the first to demand the government improve education and plug wells in the gulf.  I have yet to see a Tea Party person specifically say what they would cut.  I want a smaller government which is a government that provides all of the current services but has ZERO waste.  What that means specifically, I have no idea.  I do know that I can walk into any government office and find waste.  To see what I mean, spend time looking around the next time you are in the DMV.  Just the pace of work alone is a waste.
  • I tend associate the Tea Party with being Anti-Gay and racially bigoted. I don't know if this is true and I am certain they would deny it.
  • Overall, I think the Tea Party is made up of people that are angry and somehow think a pep rally will solve everything.  It looks like they are going to get a few people into office.  I'm happy for this.  I want to see what they can do.  I hope they surprise me.

A couple of miscellaneous political notes:

I support any effort to get rid of Nancy Peloci.  The Do-Nothing GOP is just following a script created by Pelosi when the GOP was in power.  She strong-armed the Dems into voting as a single block.  It worked and that was the turning point.  Now we have a government in the ditch.

The tax cut extension:  The GOP is calling the failure to extend it a "tax hike."  This is just bullshit.  The deadline for it to expire was created at the time of its initial passage so if its a tax hike, blame Bush.  Secondly, extending the cut to the rich is just ridiculous.  We would just be paying our taxes to those that don't need them.  Why are Democrats starting to support the idea of extending the cut to the rich?  Simple, the rich get people elected.  In the United States, it's not "One person, one vote."  It's really, "One dollar, one vote."  If that is not the case, how can you explain Meg Whitman.

Here is an example of how the Glenn Beck/Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannitys of the world work.  They act like they are giving you the inside information.  "Trust me" is what they say.  Then Hannity, plays a clip of Obama saying, "I want to raise the taxes on every single American."  He has it right there on a clip and acts as if he has just proven that Obama is out to get us.  Then, on The Daily Show, they play the entire clip where Obama says something like, "The GOP would have you believe that I want to raise the taxes on every single American.  That is simply not true."  Now, you have to believe that Hannity knew what the entire clip said so he intentionally LIED to his audience.  These guys are no different than the white collar ponzi schemers or the people that robbed homes in San Bruno while the victims huddled by red cross vans at a mall parking lot.

Speaking of dishonesty.  Meg Whitman is playing an ad on Jerry Brown that she knows is inaccurate.  It comes down to this - How many votes will she lose because people found out she is lying verses how many votes will she gain by people that see the ad and don't know she is lying.  So for, she is keeping the ad.

There you have it.  Back to saving the world.

Up, up and away...


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